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September 05, 2009


We have 7 signals to help us to get our personality plus. There are eyes, nose and ears, eyebrows, forehead, shoulder and fingers. You can see what the function of them. They are easy to learn. They will be useful not only to get it but also we can know what he is thinking about although he wants to hide it. So we have good position with everyone that we met.
First are the eyes. The eyes can give you one of the most keys that can help you to know what he is thinking about. From the eyes, you will know whatever you want about it. If the eyeballs are wide, it shows you that he listened the good news but the eyeballs are narrowing, it shows you that he listened the bad news. If the eyes are minimizing, maybe you told the unbelieveable.
Second are nose and ears. If he rubs his nose or touches his hand in the ears with says that he understood what you mean, actually he is confuse and doesn’t understand what you want.
Third are eyebrows. If he lifts his eyebrows designedly, he shows that listened something that couldn’t believe. But if he boosts up his eyebrows suddenly, he shows that he shocked.
Fourth is forehead. If he closes his forehead with averting the face, he feels confuse, or doesn’t like what he listened. But if he closes his forehead with see you, he shows that he listened something that very surprised.
Fifth is shoulder. If he moves his shoulder to the up and down, he shows that he didn’t care with you.
Sixth are fingers. If he scratches his fingers on the chair or table, he shows the emotional and impatience. He shows that he is trying to move himself from someone or he is afraid with you.
In conclusion, they are very useful to know and learn because everyone in the world always wants to be a personality plus human. By 7 signals only we can know what someone feels. I wish this method can useful for you. Try it right now and you will be a good personality human in your live.

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