1. The United States operates under a two party system; Great Britain does also.Clause
2. Similar to the British Parliament, the United States Congress has two separate houses,the Senate and the House of representatives.
3. The U.S House of Representatives is like the British House of Commons, and the U.S.Senate is similar to the British House of Lords.
4. The members of the U.S. House of Representatives are elected by district, just as the members of the British House of Commons are.
5. The method of selecting cabinet members is the same in both countries.
6. In Great Britain, there is a cabinet appointed by the prime minister, similarly, the U.S president also appoints a cabinet.
7. Both the British monarch and the U.S president have the right to veto any law.
8. The U.S Congress can override a veto by the president. In theory, the British Parliament could also override a veto by monarch, but this has never happened because the British monarch has never vetoed a law.
9. The method of getting a law passed in Great Britain is almost the same as the method of getting a law passed in the United States.
Practice 16
1. A bicycle and a moped are an excellent form of transportation
2. A bicycle is constructed of a metal frame with two wheels, a handlebar for steering, a saddle seat and two pedals likewise a moped.
3. A bicycle is the same as a moped can be pedaled.
4. A bicycle requires almost no maintenance but a moped needs little upkeep
5. Not only N.Y City have a nickname, it is called T.B.A but also S.F has a nickname, It is called T.C.
6. N. Y has several famous bridges that connect Manhattan to the other boroughs and S.F has two bridges that connect it to neighboring counties.
7. New York is well known for its Chinatown Harlem and Little Italy likewise San Francisco has many ethnic districts such as North Beach (Italian), Chinatown, Japan town, and the Mission District (Hispanic).
8. New York has a financial district called Wall Street and San Francisco’s financial district is called Montgomery Street.
Practice 17.
1. Whereas the chief executive in Great Britain is called the prime minister, the chief executive in the United States is called the President.
2. In the United States, the President fulfills the functions of both political leader and head of state, while these two functions are separate in Great Britain.
3. In other words Great Britain has both a monarch and prime minister, but the United States has only a president.
4. The president of United States may be of a different political party than the majority of congress; in contrast the British prime minister is the head of the political party that has the most seats in parliament.
5. Unlike the United States, which has a written constitution, Great Britain has no written constitution.
6. The scheduling of elections in the two countries is quite different.
7. In the United States, elections are held on a regular schedule, no matter how popular or unpopular the government is in Great Britain, on the other hand, elections are held whenever the prime minister loses a vote of confidence.
8. The members of the U.S. Senate are elected; however, the members of the British House of Lords are appointed or inherit their positions.
9. As you can see, the two system of government, although they are both democracies, differ in several major aspects.
Practice 18
A. 1. Junior colleges offer programs that can be completed in two years however colleges and universities offer programs that take four years to complete.
2. Junior colleges award associate of arts degrees to their graduates on the other hand colleges and universities award baccalaureate degrees, master’s degrees and Ph.D.’s.
3. Many junior colleges are free however almost all colleges and universities charge tuition.
B. 4. Active solar heating systems require mechanical means to harness the sun’s energy whereas passive systems rely on natural forces to collect solar radiation.
5. Passive system work well only in hot, dry climates while active system can work efficiently in any area.
6. Although passive system are limited by seasonal conditions active systems work throughout the year.
7. An electric car is designed to carry a maximum of four people but a medium sized gasoline powered car can carry up to six passengers comfortably.
8. It takes six hours to recharge the batteries of an electric car yet it takes less than five minutes to fill up the gas tank of a conventional car.
9. The analog computer is used only mainly for scientific work while the digital computer is useful in business.
10. The analog computer is used to measure temperatures, flows and voltages but the digital computer can count, print, reproduce facts, sort data into numeral order and so on.

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